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Joe Nuñez to Present at ICSC Law Conference


October 2018

Vantage Law Group partner Joe Nuñez has been asked to present a Workshop at the 2018 Law Conference of the International Council of Shopping Centers in Orlando. The focus of the October CLE presentation will be the challenges in representing both landlord and tenant positions in the context of a law practice, and strategies to seamlessly and effectively change hats for different clients and different deals. Joe will also discuss how roles in an in-house and private practice can inform how the lawyer strategizes with and approaches business partners and clients.

Joe is nationally recognized as one of the premier practitioners of shopping center law in North America and is regularly asked to present both CLE and business materials on shopping law and practice. He is licensed in Minnesota and Arizona, and has documented leases, acquisitions and dispositions in every state and in Canada. Joe has recently been recognized (along with partner Jerry Perron) as a Best Lawyers™ and as one of the 10 Best Attorneys in Real Estate Law in Minnesota.

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